Index of
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Use of Since/For
Since' is used before certain time | For' is used before uncertain time | |
3 O'clock, 10 O'clock, 5 PM, 4 AM. | Five hours, two hours, an hour | |
Monday, Saturday, Sunday | few days, four days, seven days | |
March, June, December | two months, eight months | |
2011, 2012, 2013 | One year, ten years | |
Since long. | for a long time | |
Yesterday, tomorrow, day after tomorrow | ||
Morning, Evening, Night, Noon, Afternoon. | ||
Birth, beginning, then, when |
Look at these sentences:
माली सुबह के 6 बजे से पौधों को पानी दे रहा था। | The gardener had been watering the plants since 6 a.m. |
ट्रेन पांच घंटे से चल रही थी। | The train had been running for five hours. |
वह 2011 से कंप्युटर हॉर्ड़वेयर का व्यापार कर रहा था। | He had been dealing in computer hardware business since 2011. |
तुम पिछले 35 मिनिट से एक ही पाठ का रट्टा लगा रही थी। | You had been cramming the same lesson for the last 35 minutes. |
वह दो घंटे से दरवाजा खटखटा रही थी। | She had been knocking at the door for 2 hours. |
वह सुबह से दूध के लिए रो रही थी। | She had been crying for milk since morning. |
शाम से ही लड़के फुटबॉल खेल रहे थे। | Boys had been playing football since evening. |
एक लड़का उन्हें दो घंटे से देख रहा था। | One boy had been watching them for two hours. |
वह रात 9 बजे से बर्तन साफ कर रही थी। | She had been cleaning the utensils since 9 p.m. |
मेरा ड्राइवर पिछले दस सालों से मेरे साथ काम कर रहा था। | My driver had been working with me for the last ten years. |
रजत अक्टूबर 2019 से राजिया के लिए सपने देख रहा था। | Rajat had been dreaming for Rajia since October 2019. |
दो दिनों से लगातार लंदन में बर्फबारी हो रही थी। | It had been snowing in London continuously for two days. |
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