Index of
One Word Substitution
One word can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
एक शब्द कभी कभी पूरे वाक्यांश या वाक्य को व्यक्त कर सकता है। कुछ ऐसे कॉमन शब्द नीचे दिये हैं। प्रभावशाली इंग्लिश बोलने और समझने के लिये इनकी जानकारी आवश्यक है।
हर शब्द का अर्थ आपकी सुविधा के लिये सिंपल इंग्लिश और हिन्दी में दिया हुआ है।
Words Start with >> A-A
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Abbreviation | A shortened form of a word or phrase | संक्षिप्त रूप, लघु रूप |
Abdication | Voluntary renouncing throne | सिंहासन त्याग, राज त्याग |
Abolish | Do away with wholly | उनमूलन करना, मिटा देना |
Aborigines | Original inhabitants of a country | प्राचीन देशवासी |
Abridged | An edition of a book in which it has been condensed. | संक्षिप्त |
Accelerate | To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of | गति बढ़ाना, तेज करना |
Accessible | Which can be approached | सुगम्य, सुलभ, गम्नीय |
Acclimatize | To accustom oneself in a new climate. | आदी होना, नये वातावरण के अनुकूल होना |
Accountable | Liable to be called to account | जिम्मेदार होना |
Acquaint | Make oneself familiar with a person or a thing. | परिचित कराना, जानकारी प्राप्त करना |
Acquittal | The act of freeing a person from a charge by the verdict. | दोष रहित, रिहाई |
Actuary | One who calculates premium | बीमांकक, बीमांकिक |
Adolescence | The period between childhood and adulthood | किशोरावस्था |
Adulteration | To falsify a thing by admixture or baser ingredients. | अपमिश्रित, मिलावट |
Aggravate | To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of the disease. | और बिगाड़ देना, तीव्र करना |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Aggressor | A person who attacks first | आक्रमणकारी |
Agnostic | One who doubts the existence of god | नास्तिक, संशयवादी |
Alien | One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen, a fictional being from another world. | अलग दुनिया का, विदेशी मनुष्य, ऊपर देशीय |
Alienate | To turn friends in enemies. | विरोधी बनाना, दूर कर देना |
Alimony | Allowance paid to wife on legal separation | प्रत्यक्यता(तलाक दी हुई) पत्नी के लिए वृति या जीविका निर्वाह व्यय |
Altruist | A person who loves everybody | परोपकारी |
Amateur | One who does something not professionally but for pleasure | शौकीया, नौसिखिया |
Ambassador | A person who represents a state in a foreign country. | राजदूत |
Ambidextrous | A person who can use both hands equally well | अभ्यत, दोनो हाथ इस्तेमाल करने में निपुण |
Ambiguous | A sentence whose meaning is unclear | अस्पष्ट, दुविधापूर्ण |
Ambivalent | Having mixed/ contradictory feelings. | मिले जुले भाव वाला |
Ambulance | A van which is used in transporting wounded or serious patients to and fro from the hospital. | रोगी वाहन, अस्पताल गाड़ी |
Amnesia | Loss of memory | याददाश्त खो जाना, स्मृतिलोप |
Amnesty | Official pardon | राज-क्षमा, क्षमादान |
Amphibian | A land animal that breeds in water | जल तथा स्थल में रहने वाला जन्तु |
Anarchist | One who is out to subvert a government | अराजकतावादी |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Anarchy | Absence of government | अराजकता, अव्यवस्था |
Anniversary | The yearly return of a date of personal or historic importance. | सालगिरह, वर्षगाँठ |
Annual | Which happens once a year. | वार्षिक |
Anomaly | Deviation from common rule | अनियमित्ता |
Anonymous | Where name is witheld, like an author, a contributor, a caller. Commonly used for a book written by an unknown author. | गुमनाम, बेनाम लेखक |
Answerable | A person liable to be called to account for his action | उत्तरदायी, जवाबदेही |
Antedate | To date before the true time, a backdating, a false earlier date attached to an event or document which is earlier than the actual date. | पूर्व-दिनांकित करना |
Anthropology | A study of humans within past and present civilizations. | मानव विज्ञान |
Antidote | A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine | विषनाशक, विषहरण औषधि |
Antiseptic | A medicine that prevents the growth of disease causing bacteria. | रोगाणु रोधक |
Antonym | A word opposite in meaning to another | विलोम |
Aphasia | Loss of speech | आवाज बंद हो जाना, वाचाघात |
Apostate | One who abandons his religious faith. | धर्मत्यागी, विश्वासघाती |
Appreciate | To rise in value | भाव बढ़ जाना, प्रशंसा करना |
Aquarium | Vessel in which fish and water plants are kept. | मत्स्यालय, जलजीवशाला |
Aquatic | Animals or plants living in or found in water. | जलचर, जलीय |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Arbitrator | A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them | मध्यस्थ, पंच |
Archaeology | Study of ancient remains of past civilizations. | पुरातत्व विज्ञान |
Aristocracy | A Government by the Nobles | अभिजात वर्ग |
Armistice | The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed. | युध्दविराम, संधि |
Arsenal | A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored | शस्त्रागार |
Ascetic | One who practices severe self discipline and avoides self indulgences mostly for religious reasons. | संन्यासी |
Atheist | One who does not believe in the existence of God | नास्तिक |
Audible | Sound which can be heard | सुनाई देने योग्य ध्वनि |
Audience | An assembly of listeners or viewers at a lecture or concert. | श्रोता |
Audiology | The study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment. | श्रवण विज्ञान |
Auditor | One who makes an official examination of accounts | लेखा परिक्षक |
Aurist | A specialist who treats all types ear diseases and problems. OR A physician specialising in treatment of ear diseases. | कर्ण विशेषज्ञ |
Autobiography | A life history written by oneself | आत्मकथा |
Autocracy | A Government by one person with complete power. | तानाशाही |
Autograph | Getting signature of some important person in his handwriting | हस्ताक्षर |
Avaricious | A person extremely desirous of money, greedy. | लालची |
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