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ELC-18th Day

Finite Verbs

Finite Verbs सब्जेक्ट के Number/Person और वाक्य के Tense के अनुरूप अपनी फॉर्म को बदलती है। दूसरे शब्दों में, एक क्रिया जो सब्जेक्ट के Number/Person और वाक्य के Tense के अनुसार अपनी फॉर्म बदलती है उसे Finite Verb के रूप में जाना जाता है। कभी-कभी इसे मुख्य क्रिया भी कहा जाता है। Finite Verbs टेन्स में प्रयुक्त होती है और वाक्य के active या passive होने का संकेत दे सकती है।

Finite verbs change their forms as per the Subject's Number/Person and Tense of the sentence. In other words, a verb that changes its form according to the number/person of the subject and the Tense of the sentence is known as a finite verb. Sometimes it is also called the Main verb. Finite Verbs are used in tenses and can be indicative of passive or active voice.

Remember: Number = Singular-Plural,
Person = 1st-person, 2nd-person, 3rd-person and
Tense = Present tense, Past tense, Future tense

Let's see the examples where Finite verbs change according to Number/Person/Tense:


Number के अनुसार क्रिया परिवर्तन Verb changes as per Number The verb 'is' changed to 'are' when the singular subject 'This book' was replaced with a plural subject 'These books'.
यह किताब मेरी है। This book is mine.
ये किताबें मेरी हैं। These books are mine.
Person के अनुसार क्रिया परिवर्तन Verb changes as per Person The verb 'live' changed to 'lived' when 1st-person 'I' was replaced with a 3rd-person singular subject 'He'.
मैं भारत में रहता हूँ। I live in India.
वह जोधपुर में रहते हैं। He lives in Jodhpur.
Tense के अनुसार क्रिया परिवर्तन Verb changes as per Tense The verb 'drive' changed to 'drove' when the present tense was changed with the past tense.
आप कार चलाइए। You drive the car
उसने कार चलाई। He drove the car.

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