Multiple Choice Quiz : The Noun
Please tick the correct answer and click on the "CheckAnswer" button (given below) to see your result. If the ticked answer is correct, the colour of the answer will become GREEN. If the ticked answer is incorrect, the colour will turn RED, and the colour of the correct answer will change to a PURPLE colour.
कृपया सही उत्तर पर टिक करें और अपना परिणाम देखने के लिए "CheckAnswer" बटन (नीचे दिया गया है) पर क्लिक करें। यदि टिक किया उत्तर सही है, तो उत्तर का रंग GREEN हो जाएगा। यदि टिक किया उत्तर गलत है, तो रंग RED हो जाएगा, और सही उत्तर का रंग PURPLE रंग में बदल जाएगा।
Tick the correct sentence.
Tick the correct sentence.
Q21 -Which sentence is correct?
:Where is your spectacle?
:Where are your spectacles?
:Both the above are correct.
Q22 -Which sentence is correct?
:I will declare my assets.
:You will declare your asset.
:Both the above are correct.
Q23 -Which sentence is correct?
:Our team has given his best.
:All the team have given their best.
:Both the above are correct.
Q24 -Which sentence is correct?
:He has given me fifty thousand rupees.
:He has given me fifty thousands rupees.
:Both the above are correct.
Q25 -Which sentence is correct?
:A childrens park is a fun place.
:A children's park is a fun place.
:Both the above are correct.
Tick the correct sentence.
Q26 -Which sentence is correct?
:This book is their's.
:This book is theirs.
:Both the above are correct.
Q27 -Which sentence is correct?
:My sister's-in-law daughter is living in London.
:My sister-in-law's daughter is living in London.
:Both the above are correct.
Q28 -Which sentence is correct?
:Mathematics is a 100 per cent scoring subject.
:Mathematic is a 100 per cent scoring subject.
:Both the above are correct.
Q29 -Which sentence is correct?
:She has purchased four knifes today.
:She has purchased four knives today.
:Both the above are correct.
Q30 -Which sentence is correct?
:Diamond is a concrete noun.
:Diamond is a common noun.
:Both the above are correct.
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