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Multiple Choice Quiz : The Noun

Please tick the correct answer and click on the "CheckAnswer" button (given below) to see your result. If the ticked answer is correct, the colour of the answer will become GREEN. If the ticked answer is incorrect, the colour will turn RED, and the colour of the correct answer will change to a PURPLE colour.

कृपया सही उत्तर पर टिक करें और अपना परिणाम देखने के लिए "CheckAnswer" बटन (नीचे दिया गया है) पर क्लिक करें। यदि टिक किया उत्तर सही है, तो उत्तर का रंग GREEN हो जाएगा। यदि टिक किया उत्तर गलत है, तो रंग RED हो जाएगा, और सही उत्तर का रंग PURPLE रंग में बदल जाएगा।

Answer to the question asked in each question

Q1. Dr Rajendra Prasad was the first President of India.
Indentify the Proper Noun

Dr Rajendra Prasad, India
President, India

Q2. Anger is our deadliest enemy.
Anger is _______Noun.

a Proper
an Abstract
a Common

Q3. Your voice is so sweet.
Voice is _______Noun.

a Common
a Concrete
an Abstract

Q4. She is allergic to silve.
Silver is _______Noun.

an Abstract
a Concrete

Q5. The students of this class are very studious.
Here, “class” is ______ Noun

a Common
a Collective
a Proper

Answer to the question asked in each question

Q6. Our team has won the match.
Team is _______Noun.

an Abstract

Q7. I like to listen to music on the radio.
Music is _______Noun.

a Concrete
an Abstract

Q8. There are 100 hairs on his head.
Here 'hairs' is ________Noun.

a Countable
an uncountable
an Abstract

Q9. Please save water.
Water is _______Noun.

a Common/Material
a Concrete/an Abstract

Q10. Her wisdom has thwarted the danger.
Wisdom is _______Noun.

a Concrete
an Abstract

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